Monday, February 20, 2006



Although Duckgate has seemed to quiet down for the moment, the Vice President, Dick Cheney and the Bush Administration have been under fire for not be forthcoming fast enough. The White House press core was extremely frustrated and angry that the Vice President chose to give the story to a local newspaper. However, despite the insane media frenzy over the Vice President accidentally shooting his friend while hunting some have argued that there are many other issues that should dominant the front pages of the newspapers and wire stories.
Before the cooling came Senator Hillary Clinton (NY-D) made sure to capitalize on this tragic event. According to the AFP on BREITBART.COM, it was reported that at a press conference Senator Clinton was quoted as saying, “a tendency of this administration -- from the top all the way to the bottom -- is to withhold information ... to refuse to be forthcoming about information that is of significance and relevance to the jobs that all of you do, and the interests of the American people.”

She was further quoted by the article saying, ‘"Putting it all together, going back years now, there's a pattern and it's a pattern that should be troubling,” she said at a press conference calling for a more robust federal response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The former first lady continued “The refusal of this administration to level with the American people on matters large and small is very disturbing, because it goes counter to the way our constitutional democracy ... is supposed to work."’

It almost seems as if the Former First Lady forgot her years in the White House or better yet maybe has whipped them from her memory. It is almost as if her closed door health care meetings, the subpoenaed Rose Law Firm files appearing after the statute of limitations expired, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Forster, Ron Brown, Henry Cisneros, Michael Espy, Monica Lewinsky and her husband, then President Bill Clinton lying to the American people with Sen. Clinton standing next him and then waiting seven months to apologize for his cover up and deceit never happened in her eyes. Perhaps she was really referring to her husband’s White House’s that failed to “level with the American people.” It doesn’t seem the mainstream media will be grilling the Junior Senator from NY about her hypocritical gibberish.
Nevertheless, hypocrisy seems to be second nature for Bill and Hillary Clinton, following them wherever they go and the Barrett Report is another example. The Barrett Report was a product of an investigation targeted at the then Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros headed by Independent Counsel David Barrett. Byron York in his article, Finally, A Decision on the Barrett Report for National Review reported, “David Barrett was sworn in on May 24, 1995, to investigate allegations that Cisneros lied to the FBI about payments he made to Medlar (Linda Medlar, Cinsneros’s mistress). The Barrett investigation reached its peak over four years later, on September 7, 1999, when Cisneros pled guilty to a misdemeanor and agreed to pay a $10,000 fine.”

During the tenure of the investigation David Barrett encountered tremendous roadblocks. Tony Snow wrote in his article Publish the Barrett report now, on, “He (Barrett) found unsettling evidence that Justice Department officials were actively interfering with the probe and even conducting surveillance of Barrett and his office. Worse, there were indications that Team Clinton was using key Players at the IRS and Justice to harass, frighten and threaten people who somehow got in the former president’s way. It does not take much to realize that Senator Clinton is speaking from both sides of her mouth. The sheer arrogance in her demeanor when she spews her hypocritical rhetoric is deplorable knowing that her husband’s Administration coined the frame and gave definition to the phase, “the most corrupt administration in America’s history.”

It is clear that the Barrett Report will not be as prevalent as Duckgate or any other issue the left leaning mainstream media chooses as the lead story of the day. What is even worse is that the Democrat Regime consisting of Sen. Carl Levin, Sen. Dick Durbin and Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Henry Waxman have gone to great efforts to suppress the full contents of this report.

Even more disturbing news of what happened in this investigation comes from the Independent Counsel own Press Release, “An accurate title for the Report could be, ‘WHAT WE WERE PREVENTED FROM INVESTIGATING…after a thorough reading of the Report it would not be unreasonable to conclude as I have that there was a coverup at high levels of our government and, it appears to have been substantial and coordinated. The question is why? And that question regrettably will go unanswered. Unlike some cover-ups, this one succeeded.”

Further in the press release Independent Counsel David Barrett recommends the following be read first and then the rest of the report, Mr. John Filan Memo. The final report can be found at The Final Barrett Report. Mr. John Filian, Chief of the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division in the South Texas District sent a memo to the Chief Inspector, National Office IRS detailing “several incidents occurred which have caused CI to be highly concerned about possible improprieties in the Office of Assistant Chief Counsel (Criminal Tax).”

He then went on to list the follow, “Specifically, our concerns are: (1) Barry Finkelstein (Senior IRS lawyer) is reported to have a very “cozy” relationship with Cisneros’ defense counsel; (2) the case was pulled from the field with the apparent intent to “kill” it, regardless of the evidence and; (3) improper disclosures have possibly taken place with the Tax Division of the Department of Justice in a further attempt to stop the case from being prosecuted.” This is real news and it is mind-blowing and incomprehensible as to why the mainstream press seems to conveniently overlook what Mr. Filian wrote in his memo. It is very clear that The Barrett Report was under reported and seems extremely unfair that the ordinary, regular, hard working American would never get the preferential treatment that Henry Cisneros received.
The “culture of corruption” is the phase the Democratic talking points orders every one of it soldiers to use. However, with instances such as the Barrett Report not being published in its entirety, Harry Reid knee deep in Abramoff and barely covered, Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) using the National Guard to recover personal items after Katrina while people were on their house virtually ignored and the countless wrongdoings of Bill and Hillary Clinton completely unaccounted for, no wonder why Duckgate is the lead story.



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